Be.spoke Distinction

Be.come Consulting holds the distinct vision of being an inn that offers sanctuary for HOW TO authentically apply Biblical principles within your “house” — organization — and in alignment with His design principles of systems — so good fruit results in all.

The application is not a program imposed but rather an experiential learning process that is custom fit — be.spoke — with you in the wholeness of life.

The focus is on how you function in the forms in which you reside … and therein … as you go … or grow … the forms go or grow.

Be.come Consulting aims to …

~ glorify Him: the good King, who mortars His “segulah” (special treasure) — the living stones — together to perfectly build His house for His great purposes.

~ provide organization development consulting to people in the structures of home, group, organization, or business with a desire for a base in and correlation to a Biblical foundation.

~ serve as a boutique-designed consulting inn: valuing the loveliness of remaining limited in size; the effectiveness of being taken by the hand to train up; the specialness of being personal; and the beauty of curated design for distinct results.

~ function as a seer for development of beauty internally and externally.

~ prepare His people to govern well and celebrate joyfully.

~ offer mediation, and the supporting skills, to those who desire help with communication issues for bringing shalom - peace - into their systems, aiming to preserve and better their relationships, and hence outcomes.

~ educate on the proper understanding of emotion and the role of feelings.

I give priority to those who take on the extraordinary task of home-schooling.

See anew.