
Welcome to the Be.come Consulting inn! Though much is still virtual in this consulting — clearly — now is the time for this offering! I could not have imagined such a site & technology connecting us in this work a few years ago: Indeed this has be.come more than I ever thought possible!

Thank you to all who have had a hand in helping me be.come.

The birthing of these consulting services comes at the finishing of applying them in our own home — or a least a seasonal pause of finishing. All to say, a ripe time to begin serving beyond our household.

My hope is you will find our inn a home in which to grow … and train up — yourself and those whom you serve…

— a sanctuary to be.come!

I say “our” because this work would not be possible without the support of my husband and family.

So much of what I’m offering here in my learnings and work comes from what I needed on my own journey. I hope you receive encouragement, exhortation, and enjoyment.

I especially have a heart for those taking on the extraordinary and blessed task of home-schooling their children in their vineyard … for many reasons. You begin too because the time becomes … ripe. And in rightly doing — the need for so many adjustments become profoundly apparent for a fine finish.

My question was always … who understands and will work this land with me? Or, to term it another way — as I grew up with my father’s love of drafting and my mother’s finesse for home INTERIOR design — who will help me move this furniture? or, … this wall? and ….in home-schooling … this mountain? lol.

That really is the overall purpose of this consulting inn in all its settings: To work with you in your organization’s vision. And, sometimes that takes finishing something to begin something …

. . . finishing to begin . . .

With great joy and expectation that the harvest at your table is abundantly bountiful . . .

~ erin