erin j. allen

ej’s essential extras

Now presenting … 


consulting in applied behavioral science — for all genres of organization development outcomes —

individual, family, groups, non-profits, business

from the table inn the home … all along the way … to the table inn the boardroom…

Be.come Consulting

For when …

waves move you


…. Finish to Begin …

… Sometimes … you search for where to … begin …

and the only part you know in your


is that the waves within and around you …





to begin.

… And, sometimes ….

you actually do begin ...

... and then…

you …


ready …

to dive inn deep

for pearls

to finish.

This consulting inn is a sanctuary

of experiential learning for better outcomes

in the current

Organization Development

in which you find yourself ~ be it running a family, a group, or business.

Jump in to Discover

Behavioral Pearls, Squared for Refreshing, Living Waters

Helping you build foundational wisdom from

the jewel designed within you 


a code of many colours.

Specializing in HOW emotion drives behavior & outcomes.

  • Develop Optimal Leadership in Home, Groups & Business

    Begin with Cottage Coaching Sessions

  • Train for Effective Relational Communication Skills

    Weekly Practice in a Growth Group

  • Learn to Pinpoint the Source of your Conflict and Bring Life

    Schedule a Time to Meet

Now offering new services …

… to fragrantly enhance…

… the development of the organization you are growing ...

via a helping hand …

While the focus of my work remains behavior-focused, the “daisy flower” I am extending in my hand this season is to come alongside women IN their home work.

This includes but is not limited to helping with …

home-economic efficiencies

… home-cleaning organization

… home-beauty in table settings & design

… home-school wisdom & hospitality

… all of which root from and grow into relationships, leadership, and hospitality at the tables!

Call for a free consultation. (925) 323-7658

For those who need such, ask about sliding scale as I am passionate about family organizations getting what they need.

Be.come Consulting is about walking WITH you … not just talking “about” … but rather, even in the lonely germination times, helping HIS plans take root in your soil talking “to,” even if just in the patience of waiting with you.

Essentially, the field of your interior design — “i.d.”— is like a seed growing — a carrier of an unseen interior design pushing up and down … growing BOTH internally in the unseen realm AND also growing externally in the seen realm, also growing in breadth and stature.

They are intimately connected — and affected — a shimmering symbiotic, mirroring relationship of “both, and.”

Science now is factually documenting the effects of the neuroaesthetic relationship, moving into biophilic design … where the elements of design principles scientifically affect health.

For such a time as, the time is now to restore your “i.d.” — your inn — house — for the kingdom of heaven is with in you … and at hand.

To that end, I extend my hand to you to help you rise up to the glorious race set before us.

You are essential in His Kingdom. Out of the waters … Seed … for His Harvest is great!

  • Project Clean Up

    Lift the burden of special projects and treat yourself to a helping hand to finish what is weighing on you -- from bedrooms to budgeting.

    Pricing TBD.

  • Closet, Pantry, & Room Organization

    Organization brings clarity and efficiency. Get cleaned up & brought into beautiful order!

    $150 per day

  • Table Setting

    Beautiful table setting facilitates relationships and conversation. Let's set the table in a way that engages your aims. From family dinner to special events.

    Beginning at $50.

  • Hospitality

    Hosting people is key to relational development. Offering you a helping hand in everything from basic prep to assistance during the event, with anything thing from dishes to coaching relational communication.

    $100 per event

“… Perhaps, for such a time as this?”

Esther 4:14

For those who desire…

to walk upon the surface tension of

deep waters —

and dive for special treasure.